Caffeinated Entries

la vie commence après le café

Tag: writing

Looking Back

How The Word Laundry Inspired Me

Take a line from a song that you love or connect with. Now forget the song, and turn that line into the title or inspiration for your post.

This post is actually an arbitrary. The “Inspire me” link on the new post page caught my attention. After giving me two head starts (and that quote above happens to be the second one), it made me realize that in able to come up with a good article, you must start with an unfussy line, just a plain term, like a laundry (that’s what came to me first) and then get more of it. Now I have to make something big out of that word.

Five minutes of brainstorming and I regret why the laundry had to come to my mind. Half-joking. I remembered waking up in one sunny morning this past vacation, thinking about my living independently when the time comes. I tried to breakdown my plans starting from the small ones to the huge ones to ease my panicky, half-asleep brain that moment.

My goal is to succeed, just like everyone else’s, but I detail mine as an architect who runs her own architectural firm. In my field, most of the architects become remarkable at the age of 40 and above, and another thorough dream of mine is to become that young achiever. Should I make a time table, in a matter of fifteen years I will become that person, God willingly!

So back to that sunny morning, I was aware that one way to accomplish big goals was to start the change from the small ways. I took my daily routine into consideration. “How do I expect myself to be successful if I just lay here scrolling through my twitter timeline?”, was what I told myself right away. I thought about the things I do in the house, (what I have been told to do actually), if I really follow them… and guess what? I already failed at that first test. So I got up and tried to utilize my day like never before. I laundered for the first time in years. Shall I confess that what really psyched me of doing the chores was the idea of standing on my own feet before long. So I took that basic chore seriously.

See, I was able to talk about my dreams which I rarely do, and I have just reminded myself again that to be able to reach success in life, start working on the small things, with your daily routine to be specific. And as you change, you’re definitely one step closer to your goal. I feel like I went a little far but thanks to the mere (no more) word laundry.